March & April: The Season of Lent

What’s that? Here’s an introduction:

Where the Life of Jesus Meets Yours.

Sunday Morning Worship at 9 AM & 11:15 AM

Family Bible Hour at 10:30 AM

2250 S. Holland Sylvania Rd - Maumee, OH 43537

Resurrection is a Lutheran church, where the inspired Word of God guides our faith & life. Through his Sacraments of Holy Baptism & Holy Communion, God fulfills his serious promise to create & strengthen faith. This certainty brings comfort and peace, because the focus remains on Christ.


Click here for our Home finance webinar

If you’d like a free workbook, let us know where to send it:

Jesus is alive.

And his life meets yours here.

His love is reflected among our congregation here.

Guidance for today, hope for tomorrow.


Resurrection.  Where the life of Jesus meets yours.  

Blue and Green Modern Gradient Business YouTube Thumbnail-3.png

Free Online Therapy

Connect with a therapist, free of charge – and get help today.

Fill out the form below & Pastor Hagen will be in touch. He’ll send you a link to a secure intake form so that you can speak with a mental health professional – through your computer or smartphone.

This is a free & confidential service, offered by our congregation.

Jesus is alive.

And his life meets yours here.

His love is reflected among our congregation here.

Guidance for today, hope for tomorrow.


Resurrection.  Where the life of Jesus meets yours.  


Online Membership Course

Learn about the power of Jesus in his Word, and join us in bringing life to others.

Resurrection is where the life of Jesus meets yours. This interactive Bible course looks at the major teachings of the Bible and brings the power of Jesus into our lives. Contact Pastor for a workbook, and participate at your own pace:

Jesus is alive.

And his life meets yours here.

His love is reflected among our congregation here.

Guidance for today, hope for tomorrow.


Resurrection.  Where the life of Jesus meets yours.  


Sharing jesus




God promises to give you his grace through his Word.  In the Bible, we meet Jesus and see who he is; we also understand more about who we are.  The life of Jesus meets yours in Bible study for all ages.  



Subscribe to the daily podcast for Bible reading, sermon audio, Bible class audio, and occasional commentary on cultural or religious topics.  

Just search "Raised with Jesus" in your favorite podcast app!  

Click here for more detail, or listen below:



A church that is the best place for your kids.  That's who we are, and who we promise to be: a church that will teach God's truth and love, provide practical help for parents, and point everyone to Jesus that Scripture talks about.

Family Bible Hour for all ages at 10:15 AM on Sundays.

Listen on Google Play Music